Cookies Policy

General informs users, through this notice, that it may use cookies when the user browses the various screens and pages of the site. By using our website, you expressly accept and authorize the use of cookies, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies? A cookie is a very small text file that a Web server can save on a device’s browser to store some type of information about the user. The cookie uniquely identifies the device and can only be read by the website that sent it to the device. A cookie is not an executable file or a program and, therefore, cannot propagate or contain a virus or other malicious software, nor can it have a length exceeding 4,000 characters.

What Are Cookies Used For? The use of cookies aims to remember user preferences (language, country, login, browser features, information about the use of our website, etc.). By remembering your preferences, we don’t have to, for example, ask for your country every time you visit our website. We’ll know the characteristics of the operating system and the browser of the device being used, allowing us to offer a better browsing experience. Cookies can help our website recognize the user’s browser as a previous visitor and thus save and remember preferences that may have been set while the user was browsing the site, customize home pages, identify which sections of a site have been visited, or keep a record of selections in a “shopping cart,” among other things. may use cookies to recognize users who have accessed our website and offer them a better and more personalized service. They can also be used to obtain information about the date and time of the user’s last visit, measure some traffic parameters within the site itself, and estimate the number of visits made, allowing to focus and adjust services and promotions more effectively.

Types of Cookies Cookies can be classified based on the entity that manages them, the time they remain active, or their purpose. Sometimes, you may find that the same cookie can be included in more than one category.

Based on Ownership

  • First-party cookies: Those sent to the user’s device from a server or domain managed by
  • Third-party cookies: Those sent to the user’s terminal from a server or domain that is not managed by the editor but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.

Based on Duration

  • Session cookies: Those that collect data while the user is browsing the website.
  • Persistent cookies: Those in which the data remain stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the cookie’s responsible party, ranging from a few minutes to several years.

Based on Purpose

  • Technical cookies: Those used internally and necessary for the website’s operation.
  • Analytical cookies: Those that allow the collection of statistical information about user activity. This information is collected anonymously and allows optimizing navigation on our website to ensure better service to the user.
  • Customization cookies: Those that allow the user to access the service with some predefined general features based on criteria such as language, the type of browser used to access the service, regional settings from where the service is accessed, etc.
  • Advertising cookies: Those that allow the most efficient management possible of the advertising spaces that the editor may have included on a website, application, or platform from which the requested service is provided, based on criteria such as edited content or the frequency with which ads are displayed.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: Those that allow the most efficient management possible of the advertising spaces that the editor may have included on a website, application, or platform from which the requested service is provided. These cookies store information about users’ behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

Purposes of Cookies Below is a list of the cookies that you may find on our website and a brief description of their purpose. We assure you that none of them retains personally identifiable information about you. Some cookies customize your visit, others remember your preferences, while others only provide us with visitor statistics.


_icl_visitor_lang_jsi18n system cookie: records visitor language.10 daysWebpage
wordpress_logged_in_XXXXWordPress login system: records user authentication when logged in.End of sessionWebpage
wordpress_sec_XXXXWordPress login system: records user authentication when logged in.End of sessionWebpage
wp-wpml_current_languagei18n system cookie: records visitor language.End of sessionWebpage
wpml_browser_redirecti18n system cookie: redirects visitors to their last selected language.End of sessionWebpage
__utmaUnique visitor identification: Used to record unique visitors for statistical and analytical purposes.2 yearsGoogle (Analytics)
__utmbVisitor session determination: Google Analytics uses two cookies to establish a session. If either of these two cookies is missing, other activity initiates the start of a new session.30 minutesGoogle (Analytics)
__utmcVisitor session determination: Google Analytics uses two cookies to establish a session. If either of these two cookies is missing, other activity initiates the start of a new session.SessionGoogle (Analytics)
__utmzTraffic source and navigation record: Used to record how you arrived at our website (via a Google search, an advertisement, etc.) and the paths you follow while browsing our site. We use this information to enhance the user experience in future updates.6 monthsGoogle (Analytics)
cmplz_banner-statusCookie consent banner status: Records the status of the cookie consent banner.1 yearWebpage
cmplz_consented_servicesRecords the services for which consent has been given.1 yearWebpage
cmplz_functionalRecords the user’s choice regarding functional cookies.1 yearWebpage
cmplz_marketingRecords the user’s choice regarding marketing cookies.1 yearWebpage
cmplz_policy_idRecords the ID of the privacy policy accepted by the user.1 yearWebpage
cmplz_preferencesRecords the user’s cookie preferences.1 yearWebpage
cmplz_statisticsRecords the user’s choice regarding statistical cookies.1 yearWebpage


In the case of Google Analytics cookies, this company stores cookies on servers located in the United States and commits not to share them with third parties, except where necessary for the operation of the system or when the law requires it. If you want to prevent Google Analytics from collecting security statistics, visit the following link:

Protection Safeguards Users can configure their browser to accept or reject the cookies they receive or to have the browser notify them when a server wants to save a cookie or delete them from their computer. If you accept third-party cookies and wish to withdraw your consent to them, you can find instructions in the security settings of your web browser.


  • If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to the Tools menu > Internet Options > Privacy > Settings.
  • If you use Firefox, go to the Tools menu > Options > Privacy > Cookies.
  • If you use Google Chrome, go to the Settings menu > Privacy.
  • If you use Safari, go to the Preferences menu > Security.
  • If you use Opera, go to Settings > Clear private data.
  • If you use a native browser on your mobile device, go to Settings > Clear data or Privacy and Security* *May vary depending on the model or version of the operating system.

You can use the “Help” section found in the toolbar of most browsers to change your computer’s settings. However, some features of our online services may not work or may be more difficult to access if you reject all cookies.

Many browsers allow you to activate a private mode in which cookies are always deleted after your visit. Depending on each browser, this private mode may have different names; below, you can find a list of the most common browsers and the different names of this “private mode”:

  • Internet Explorer 8 and above: InPrivate
  • Firefox 3.5 and above: Private Browsing
  • Google Chrome 10 and above: Incognito
  • Safari 2 and above: Private Browsing
  • Opera 10.5 and above: Private Browsing
  • Browser: Incognito Tab

Please read your browser’s help section carefully to learn more about how to activate “private mode.” You can continue to visit our website even if your browser is in “private mode”; however, the user experience may not be optimal, and some utilities may not work.

Additionally, you can also manage the storage of cookies in your browser using tools such as the following: appreciates your activation of cookie acceptance, as this helps us obtain more accurate data that allows us to improve the content and design of our website to suit your preferences.

Additionally, has a presence on third-party portals and services. If you want to know the privacy and cookie usage conditions, you should consult the policies provided by them:

Do We Update Our Cookie Policy? We may update the Cookie Policy of our Website; therefore, we recommend reviewing this policy each time you access our Website to be adequately informed about how and why we use cookies. The data retention period for different purposes is set out in Article 13.2 a) of the GDPR and in relation to the other information required in the aforementioned article, as contemplated in our Privacy Policy.